Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fax Industry gossip, commentary, etc.

March 7, 2012

Here are some latest observations and perspectives brought to my attention, comments welcome – MM

Open Text RightFax:
The folks at RightFax have a lot of newness to talk about; especially with respect to branch offices, appliance fax, secure email, hosted fax, cloud-based support, online access, and even a cool integration with the Cortado Communications Server for mobile users. You would come to expect nothing less from them as the dominant player in this space.  Version 10 is solid and I now ask, “What’s next?”

EtherFAX has come on to the stage with offerings that put the entire telephony infrastructure in the “cloud” – really cool stuff and it represents an alternative to FoIP and an alternative to supporting a telephony infrastructure internally.  A good company to watch and I’m sure we will hear more about them.

While we’re on the topic of “diss-ing” FoIP:  A short time ago, Biscom introduced “Biscom IP FAX”, which they say stands for “High Definition-Internet Protocol Fax” (HD IPFAX).  This is a proprietary technology they’ve developed that circumvents the need for a traditional PSTN or FoIP connection.  Companies that require high definition, color imagery transfers can use IPFAX to transport at very high speeds via their encrypted internet connection.  A great application for medical imaging, graphic arts, retail stores, and many other industries that require high resolution color image or color fax delivery.

Question: Is color fax an underserved market??  (Comments welcome)