Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Enough Already.

Here's an idea: Let's make a marketing piece about fax not being dead.

Here's a better idea: Stop saying something is not dead yet - all you're doing is admitting it's going to die in the first place. 

Enough already.  

Would somebody puh-leeeeze get an original idea? Stop already with the "fax is not dead" or "fax isn't going away" marketing blather. You're only making it worse for yourself, and creating FUD in the minds of customers.

When you admit to a CxO that the product you're selling is not dead, not obsolete, not going away, still alive, whatever - the very next question they may ask is, "So when IS it going to die? 

On the flip side, saying it's "still alive" is like saying an old dog is still kickin' - who wants to buy an old dog of a product?  By saying it, you're well, saying it's old. 

Fax products and services thrive in today's market and result in powerful benefits and savings for customers of all sizes. It's technology savvy, cloud-capable, risk deterrent, and your customers will recognize huge paybacks for the unforeseeable future. 

We all know too well that fax is not dead, but saying it's not dead is what should be dead. Get it? -m